nLab Peter Schauenburg

Peter Schauenburg is a German algebraist, now working in France. He was a student of Bodo Pareigis at LMU.

Selected writings

On bialgebras:

Duals of Hopf algebroids (under certain conditions) are studied in

On strict monoidal categories:

On applications of actegories (in the strong monoidal sense)

  • Peter Schauenburg, Actions of monoidal categories and generalized Hopf smash products, J. Algebra 270 (2003) 521–563

On Yetter-Drinfeld modules

  • Peter Schauenburg, Hopf modules and Yetter–Drinfel′d modules, J. Algebra 169:3 (1994) 874–890 doi

On Hopf modules over quasi-Hopf algebras

  • Peter Schauenburg, Hopf modules and the double of a quasi-Hopf algebra, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354 (2002), 3349–3378 pdf
category: people

Last revised on September 9, 2024 at 14:55:22. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.